Category: Uncategorized

That Vintage Floquil Thing and the Rogue Studios List.

That Floquil Thing

The MPPC That Was…

This is a stroll down memory lane. Years ago, we had the MPPC, the Motion Picture Prop Company, which was the prop and movie site of Lee Malone….

Boba Fett ESB Helmet Build Part 7 – Painting the Cheeks and Dome

Oops. My bad. I forgot to document the first steps here so I’ll have to go straight to a shot of the partially finished cheeks. A lot of…

Soft Parts.

Whilst the helmet is one of the most important pieces and one that displays well on its own it’s only one piece of a puzzle of hundreds. The…

Boba Fett ESB Helmet Build Part 6 – Painting…

Painting the back Panels. I’m starting off with painting the back panels, which is what a lot of people start with. I have done my very best to…

Luke & Vader ESB Lightsaber duelling Set.

Recreating the Darth Vader Lightsaber and the Luke Skywalker Lightsaber from ESB using vintage found parts.     It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here so…